Friday, December 24, 2010

24th Dec - Christmas Eve.

Have you been naughty for the past 300+ days of this year?

Working at Christmas Eve have positive and negative prospects.. depending on how you look at things.. It got a little depressing when you see the office people knocking off at 3pm as they have only half day.. and was wishing everyone merry christmas wherever they are.. Totally demoralising especially when you know that they wouldnt be there tomorrow either..

Nevertheless.. today Christmas Menu at our staff canteen was awesome.. probably the best i will ever get over there.. there was Prawns.. Duck.. Turkey.. Lamb.. Beef.. and Fish.. for our meat section.. which is alot more as compared to 2 variety on our usual days.. And there were many ready rooms so it was another peaceful day with minimum rush.. Well.. Working again tomorrow.. im starting to hate service industry..

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