Thursday, January 20, 2011

Tweeter is slowly but gradually destroying my blog one way or another.. This is bad seriously.. limited time after work and numerous events are causing me to only have time to write up to 140 character.. and i must do something about it! Ohwell.. there are so many things to update but no time to really think of what to write..

So let me give you a simple minute of what happened the previous week.. and if i do find some nice pictures and have the time to convert them and stuffs.. then i will go more into details..

1. Went Yukiyaki dinner with my Conrad colleagues just randomly and tortured ourselves with some weird mixture of icecream which we nevertheless finished it.. Then we went to the arcade and yx commented that i "played like those kids that camp at arcade the whole day"..

2. Went NY Pizza dinner with my best-est friends and their mates.. shared a SUPER LARGE pizza and it was lucky to my hungry and almost-empty-due-to-too-much-work stomach that we managed to finish all up.. Head back to my house for half a game of mahjong to teach Mich bf whom then became more pro than mich herself.. Soon it will be man-to-man mahjong session with the girls watching us go..

3. Went D&D dinner at Conrad and won a bottle of non-carbonated soft drink for the early bird prize.. and that is about it.. really admire those that walked home with a Xbox360, 40inch tv, and 3D2N at Conrad Tokyo with $1000 travel vouchers.. Damm! Either way i still enjoyed myself for i had both my prom night and D&D at CONRAD CENTENNIAL SINGAPORE! *clapclapclap*

(i know its such a wordy post with just one stupid blue bird but im considering to get a camera soon so that next time my blog will be once again filled with pictures.. without the need to wait for others to upload and send them to me before i can start blogging..)

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