Saturday, January 08, 2011

3rd January 2011 - Happy Bdae & 2nd Anniversary at MBS

Firstly.. i want to thank weiru for helping me book the room interally as well as helping me find out most of the questions and enquires that i have in mind before this trip.. Thank you very much! =) And the story unfolds...................................

The day did not have such a fantastic start as i was working due to shortage of manpower.. and Qiann was checked into a dirty room in the beginning until she reported this problem and got a clean room to stay in for the time being.. because moments after i arrived.. i had a bit of issue with this room so i requested for a room change.. Bwahaha.. and a good choice it is.. as i will explain why later on.. =P

Meanwhile we decided to go explore around and look for a place to settle down for dinner.. The hotel was big.. too big supposedly so we decided to call for help hotline (aka zhiyin) whom suddenly said "HI" behind us before Qiann even send the message.. it was as if she was expecting us.. and that is a service beyond expectation!!

After our super simple but sweet dinner.. we took a walk around the area where we witness the boaters rowing guests up and down a canal.. They look pretty bored with their jobs anyway.. so bored that they posed for us when we lifted the camera to take a good shot..

Had an EXTREME cup of coffee as dessert to our dinner and went back to the front desk to realised that our rooms was not ready still.. TSK! However we didnt make much fuss as we understood such cases after experiencing it ourselves at our workplace (aside from the fact that i did try to get them to approve late check out due to this mishap incident.. Bwhaha!~) Anyway we decided to talk a walk around at the skypark in the meantime.. and the view is simply stunningly beautiful!

The pool is indeed a super long stretch of water that seemingly goes on to infinity.. aka the infinity pool.. The first 1/3 of the pool look really nice with all the red paddings on the tanning bed and such.. which is also an area where the general public can see too.. Moving deeper in will be a guest-only area which is the other 2/3 and horribly boring plain tanning bed..

Like they always say.. First impression counts.. so they just show the public the best image of the pool.. once they got you in as guests.. they can cut all the slacks they want..

Their skypark allows us to see both sides of the hotel which are both their hot selling points.. One side you see the amazing busy city of Singapore and the other side you see the amazing busy marina of Singapore..

Another of Qiann's wishes came truee.. Life up there at the skypark is like total opposite as compared to the life down there at the city.. Everyone up here are just taking their time.. relaxing and enjoying themselves while everyone down there are rushing here and there.. busy talking on the phone and the word 'relax' doesnt seems to exist..

Behold the night life of Singapore!~

Moving a bit more to the right to see all the lights shining down on the greenery which i have no idea what they are..

And the City of Singapore!!~

Took quite a handful of photos here because the view is just too alluring to give it a miss..

Once enough.. we went to take the lift back to our rooms.. and everytime we use the lift.. we experience a bit of air pressure acting on our ears.. though not as much as when im flying 3,000ft in the sky above everything else.. heeeeeheee..

Luckily we did the room change because our final room was fantastic.. well mostly.. aside from some minor defects that i found with my sharp housekeeping eyes and a missing remote control.. However the room is HUUGGEE.. with a BIGG balcony.. so big that i believe we can hold a class gathering here and everyone will fit in nicely.. only problem will be the people on the sofa will be fighting with the people on the bed over who get the tv..

Pictures taken in the room.. the NG one was because i kaykiang think 2sec enough to run there and settle myself..

Was greeted with this homepage on the tv welcoming us.. which was quite a pleasant sight.. toilet wise was another huge place with ample basin space and a huge space for bathtub and shower area.. even the bathroom door is amazing because its literally a movable wall instead of a door.. which like normal.. you pull to cover the entrance to the bathroom..

There were alot of mirrors around the room so you need not fear of having to go all the way to the washroom just to see if your hair is messy or not.. Love this photo alot alot!

More photos in the room of course.. most of the $$ goes towards the room so we ought to capture as much memories as we can in there so that it will be worth it huh..

Had anniversary gift exchange (thank you dear) before we changed into our swimwear.. wore a bathrobe over and proceed back to the skypark for our swim.
(point to note: the time was 9:45pm)

Reached up there and there were minimum people in sight.. we were hoping that the water had a heater in them but HUGE DISAPPOINTMENT but the water was like at freezing point.. furthermore at that height.. we were overwhelmed by all the gust of winds flowing directly at our body.. Nevertheless.. we somehow managed to get into the pool (shivering all over) and took a few photos and ren a while before we decided its time to head back to our warm room..

Woke up the next morning and was so happy that it was a clear sky so again we changed and went up to the skypark and DAMM the water was still FREEZINGLY COLD.. Either its a great technique used by the hotel to ensure that the pool wouldnt be overcrowded or its a horrible flaw which caused us to not enjoy ourselves up there..

They really should invest in a heating device up there at 57th storey which have no glass nor trees to block any upcoming winds.. However sunbathing up there is just perfect as we are nearer to the sun.. nothing blocking us.. and minimum perspiring due to the wind..

Explored around and we found 2 Jacuzzis in the area.. which we fell in love immediately because it contain WARM WATER! and that it is almost like having a bubble bath.. Though the view is not as fantastic as the infinity pool.. but its still a great one looking out towards the marina where you see the ships and liners out there with all the containers containing something that is worth alot alot of money..

Soon its time to go back and pack up our stuffs and enjoy the last few moments of this room.. Enjoyed their coffee and tea (and taking the remaining ones home) while qiann do her makeup and watching me demonstrate the proper way of stripping and preparing the bed back in my own hotel..

Visited the skypark one last time.. though the view is not as pretty as the night time.. but it will be some time before we decided to come up here again so might as well enjoy as much as we can.. Had an enjoyable time celebrating her birthday and our anniversary.. but this is just the beginning.. because there will be many more anniversaries to celebrate together.. year after year..

I love you ZiQiann♥♥

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