Tuesday, January 11, 2011

11/1/11 - Special ONE Day

11/1/11... the last day before its my off day once again.. ever since i started working in this hospitality industry.. the way i view my week have changed totally.. there is nothing like Moody Monday or TGIF or even the much sought after Sat and Sun.. things changed to Moody Morning everyday.. TGtomorrowisoff.. and always countdown to our off days..

Either way.. Off days are here.. time to catch a break and relax myself from all the stress of checking the rooms.. Met Qiann for dinner at Thai Express.. and it was at the end before we realised that we are on Table 11! indeed it is a special day.. even if its coincidental..

And recently just started tweeting.. so for the time being until i get bored of it or whatsoever.. you will see it over there at the left of my blog.. Follow me ok? =)

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