Saturday, September 08, 2012

08 Sept 2012 - meetup with agent / oldies song

Yet another Sunday. Most of the people i know have this as a family day, where the whole family stays at home and bond with each other. My family is slightly different. We also do something together, and that is going out, just that we all go out to our different places. Dont be mistaken. My family is really closely knitted, just that we do not see Sunday as one particular day of the week to bond. We bond as and when we have the luxury of time and just have a great chatting session.

Went out to meet my financial agent to have a chat session with him. The starting is weird i have to say. Never have i really want to bond with someone that is my agent before, but he seems keen in having more than just an agentship so we had lunch together while we just chatted, like friends. I guess i dont see any harm in making new friends, though this from agentship to friendship is going to take a while to get used to.

And suddenly having strong feelings to listen to oldies songs. Not really oldies but those i listen to when i was around 13~14 years old. Those were the great songs which has the sensational meanings in them. Time to take a break from all the hiphops and dupstep, and to enjoy the wonderful sound of the oldies.

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