Thursday, February 10, 2011

6th Feb - Cny House Visit

Every year without fail (except for the stupid reason of having to work on those special days).. we will visit my mom's mom house, mom's mom's sister house, dad's brother house, dad's sister house, and mom's dad's brother house.. LOL.. First one is usually for gathering purpose.. Second is for Mahjong and $1-$10 BJ.. Third is for $2 - $50 BJ.. Fourth is for $2 - $100 BJ.. and fifth is for... This.
My uncle there used to be one of the leader in the NDP so he have this sword displayed at his house.. We always start the party there with Lou Yu Shen and this year crowd was so big that we had two plates instead of the usual one..

My dad like posing with pregnant ladies and show off his belly once a while.. =/

What do you do when you have milo cups without milo and red wine without glasses? You put them together and drink it anyway! And if there is one food that is very famous in their house.. its the Shredded Chicken Porridge.. There was never once where there were remains.. and this year round.. they had cooked 3 pots of it instead of the usual 3.. seems like they are into marketing as well.. More Demand more supply! But its really tasty and we will always go back for more.. year after year..

I like their calendar alot.. where they put their photos onto it with the calendar below.. maybe next time i shall follow that idea too.. and come to think of it.. the photos i intend to put on my wall is still hidden somewhere and NOT on the wall.. Ohnoo when will i do it..

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